Monday, August 18, 2008

Silver Screen | WALL.E

Fantastic! Without having to say much, these 2 robots did send messages out loud and clear. I'm yapping about WALL.E *the cutest robot, i must say* and his girlfriend, EVE :)

I was a bit late watching this one. But, please people, must go see. It's funny, exciting, sad ~i nearly shed some tears *sniff, sniff*.

Earth being filled with trash, humans opt to live in space until the robots clean up their mess. But something went wrong and the earth was left vacant with only WALL.E, the only surviving robot. Being so lonely, he has only a cockroach as his companion. So, when EVE came by ~ it was love at first sight. Following his heart, he followed EVE to the human inhibited ship. It comes to see that the humans are so dependent on robots until they forgot about earth. Seeing that earth is ready for living, they need to go back and start a new life.

The whole story is about our earth environment, taking care of it, do our part in preserving it. It's a great movie for kids as well as those who are still young in heart.

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